In 2019, 38% of Instagram users checked out food-related content. Instagram photos are more than ever at the forefront of marketing. The social network, among the most widely used in the world, is THE ideal place to showcase your restaurant offering and attract new customers.
Photoshoot at Main Street
However, the power of Instagram understood by many restaurateurs and the continuous flow of information require standing out. Being present and active on the platform is no longer enough. Even with a well-crafted social communication strategy, you won’t be able to convert social media users into customers without a quality profile. So, how do you produce photographic content with a high engagement potential? How do you stand out? For budding photographers, don’t panic! After explaining how to optimize your Instagram account, we give some simple tips here for beautiful shots!
Photoshoot at Non Solo Cucina
Food, the true Instagram Star
But first, let’s go back to the Instagram phenomenon. There’s no longer any doubt about the platform’s societal impact (1.3 billion monthly active users worldwide), and it is also increasingly used by businesses. 80% of businesses consider Instagram engagement as their most important metric. And they are right! Instagram allows them to showcase their offerings and skills. 58% of users declare being interested in a brand or product after seeing it in Stories. The social network thus becomes a space of discovery for consumers and exposure for businesses.
Photoshoot at Galbar
This phenomenon is particularly true in the gastronomy industry, with food becoming a true icon. The hashtag “food” alone has been used more than 430 million times, not counting related keywords such as “foodporn,” “foodstagram,” or “foodie.” The gastronomy sector has thus left a strong mark on Instagram.
Photoshoot at Laïa
One could therefore consider that food has been transposed from real life to our screens. But this virtuality has a considerable impact on the consumption habits of the world’s population.
Just take a look at any food item, such as sweet potato. A product that was rarely consumed in Europe just a few years ago. Today, many dishes made with sweet potatoes are on restaurant menus, as the “sweet potato” has become trendy on Instagram. Just like the avocado! The photogenic quality of its green color attracts the eyes of many budding photographers, who feature it prominently in their posts. As a result, the hashtag #avocado has 12 million Instagram posts.
Photoshoot at Bocca sur Seine
Instagram photos thus have a strong power of prescription! With successful photos showcasing their products, offerings, and locations, restaurateurs have a high chance of converting social media users into customers!
But how do you take a beautiful culinary photo to post on Instagram?
5 simple tips to showcase your offerings on Instagram
High-quality and enticing photos have become essential for attracting customers. But don’t worry, it is entirely possible to succeed in showcasing dishes even as a beginner. Here are some tips to follow to ensure high-quality content:
Photoshoot at Le Saint Sébastien
1. Use natural light and forget about the flash!
Always shoot with natural light. The flash can distort your photo and give the food an artificial look. You can simply approach a window, and even better: use white panels or reflectors to reflect the light.
Also, pay attention to the time of day. The number one rule is to take your photos during the day. Since the light fluctuates throughout the day, you won’t get the same result if you shoot in the morning or late afternoon. Our advice: prioritize the morning because its soft light helps to avoid often cumbersome shadows in photos.
Finally, don’t hesitate to play with contrast and brightness once you’ve taken your photo. The brightest photos often attract the most attention on social media.
2. Master the angle of the shot
Many food photos published on Instagram are still taken from above, holding the camera just above the dish.
Photoshoot at Bocca sur seine
While this viewpoint can be very advantageous and works very well, there are many other possibilities that sometimes correspond more to the dishes you want to highlight. Dishes with depth, such as a burger, will be better supported by a table-level shot. Also, shots of 2/3 of the plate.
Photoshoot at Main Street
There are several advantages to opting for new angles of view:
- Show your customers the composition of your dish.
- Play the card of identification by giving the social media user the illusion that they are sitting at your table and about to taste your dish.
Photoshoot at Flora Danica
3. Vary the subjects of your Instagram photos
For an attractive and non-monotonous Instagram profile, you need to vary the shots. Play with different photo angles, but also make the dishes look appetizing by playing with textures in photos and vary the subject of your posts.
Photoshoot at Laïa
Capture a dish, a whole table, cocktails, the wine cellar, the dining room, customers, the kitchen and service team, unprocessed food, your producers…
Polpo Instagram Page
4. Tell your story through your photos
This brings us to our fourth tip: tell stories to your followers! Bring your dishes to life by putting them in situations. When a customer goes to a restaurant, they want to try a cuisine they don’t normally eat, enjoy it, and also have a real experience! When they go to a restaurant, customers don’t just want to eat, they also want to discover a unique place and a special ambiance.
BB Blanche Photoshoot
So, stage your dishes in your photos and highlight the atmosphere and identity of your establishment. For this, many accessories at hand can be used: a beautiful worktop, flowers, a designer water carafe, a glass of wine… If your establishment identifies with a particular place in the world or culture, occasionally share photos related to these travel moments.
Deia Instagram Page
Big Mamma understands this particularly well: a pizza, a rococo carafe, a cocktail, and a flower are enough to convey the jovial atmosphere of their establishments.
Your photos published on Instagram make up your profile. An attractive page is a page that has a certain homogeneity. Follow an editorial thread in your publications and therefore your photoshoot!
5. Embrace naturalness!
Finally, do not overuse the filters offered by Instagram! The ideal is to adjust the contrast and brightness without using a filter. Your photos should not look too retouched because they might give the impression to internet users that you have something to hide.
Manzili Photoshoot
The watchword is therefore naturalness! Play on the strengths of your restaurant and cuisine without hiding behind filters, you will come out a winner!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!